Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating web services. Defined by Roy Fielding in parallel with HTTP 1.1 the principles of REST are fundamental building blocks for web applications.

Roughly, the idea is that resources are represented by URLs and we can act on those resources with a common set of HTTP verbs.

Database action HTTP
Create POST /todos
Read GET /todos
Update PATCH /todos/:key
Delete DELETE /todos/:key

Create, read, update and delete verbs are often abbreviated as CRUD app

  1. Start with deploying the completed app on Begin and set up local development.

Deploy to Begin

# Clone your repo locally after clicking the Deploy to Begin button above
git clone[your-github-user-name]/learn-node-rest.git

# cd into your Begin project dir
cd learn-node-rest

# Install NPM packages
npm install

# Start Sandbox and open http://localhost:3333 to see a link to sign into the app
npm start
  1. Let's take a look at the app.arc file in the root of the project. This file is a manifest for the entire application. It defines the location of static assets, HTTP routes as separate Lambda handlers, and a DynamoDB table.

folder public

get /login # create github oauth session
get /logout # clear session

# json api
get /todos
post /todos
put /todos/:key
delete /todos/:key

scopeID *String
dataID **String
ttl TTL
  1. src/shared/auth.js is shared code middleware checks for a legit session. Notice that you will need to set up .arc-env file and enter Environment Variables in the Begin console.
# example .arc-env file
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET [your GitHub client secret]
GITHUB_REDIRECT http://localhost:3333/login
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID [your GitHub client ID]

Take a peek at the previous section on Environment Variables for reference.

module.exports = async function auth(req) {
if (!req.session.account) {
let client_id = process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
let redirect_uri = process.env.GITHUB_REDIRECT
let base = ``
let href = `${base}?client_id=${client_id}&redirect_uri=${redirect_uri}`
return {
statusCode: 403,
json: {
error: 'not_authorized',
message: 'please sign in',
  1. Now let's look at the frontend code in the /public folder.

This is all we need as an entry point for our app.

<!-- public/index.html -->
<script type=module src=/index.js></script>

The JavaScript is in two files. crud.js contains the REST API calls to the Lambda functions on the backend and index.js contains the event listeners and render methods.

// public/crud.js
/** POST /todos */
export async function create(params) {
let req = await fetch('/todos', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(params)
return req.json()

/** GET /todos */
export async function read() {
let req = await fetch('/todos')
return req.json()

/** PUT /todos/:key */
export async function update(params) {
let req = await fetch(`/todos/${params.key}`, {
method: 'put',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(params)
return req.json()

/** DELETE /todos/:key */
export async function destroy({key}) {
let req = await fetch(`/todos/${key}`, {
method: 'delete',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
return req.json()
// public/index.js
import {create, read, update, destroy} from './crud.js'

// main render function
async function render(payload) {

if (payload.error === 'not_authorized') {
let main = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0]
main.innerHTML = `<a href=${payload.href}>${payload.message}</a>`

let html = `
<a href=/logout>logout</a>
<input type=text id=new-todo placeholder="todo text here">

for (let todo of payload.todos) {
html += `<li>
<input type=checkbox class=js-todo-complete data-key=
${todo.key} ${todo.complete? 'checked' : ''}>
<button class=js-todo-destroy data-key=


// render markup
let main = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0]
main.innerHTML = html

// listen for enter
let text = document.getElementById('new-todo')
text.addEventListener('keyup', enter)

// listen for checkbox change
for (let i of document.querySelectorAll('.js-todo-complete')) {
i.addEventListener('change', change)

// listen for destroy
for (let i of document.querySelectorAll('.js-todo-destroy')) {
i.addEventListener('click', click)

/** create a todo */
async function enter(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
let value =
let res = await create({text: value})
await render(res)

/** toggle todo complete */
async function change(event) {
let key =
let complete =
let res = await update({key, complete})
await render(res)

/** destroy todo */
async function click(event) {
let key =
let res = await destroy({key})
await render(res)

// run the program
try {
(async function main() {
let res = await read()
await render(res)
catch(err) {
console.log('err', err)
  1. Now let's look at the Lambda function to read todos

Make sure the @begin/data DynamoDB client is added to src/shared

cd src/shared
npm init --yes
npm i @begin/data

src/shared/read.js is a middleware function that allows your Lambda functions to get documents from DynamoDB.

let data = require('@begin/data')

module.exports = async function read(req) {
let table = `todos-${}`
let todos = await data.get({table})
let account = req.session.account
delete account.token
return {
json: {

Check out more documentation about Begin data in the docs.

With the 'read' middleware in place, the handler found in src/http/get-todos/index.js will authenticate a user and retrieve their todos.

let arc = require('@architect/functions')
let auth = require('@architect/shared/auth')
let read = require('@architect/shared/read')

exports.handler = arc.http.async(auth, read)

For a refresher on arc.http.async and middleware, check out the Architect docs.

  1. This handler will create todos, src/http/post-todos/index.js
let arc = require('@architect/functions')
let auth = require('@architect/shared/auth')
let read = require('@architect/shared/read')
let data = require('@begin/data')

async function create(req) {
let table = `todos-${}`
await data.set({table, ...req.body})

exports.handler = arc.http.async(auth, create, read)
  1. This handler updates a todo src/http/put-todos-000key
let arc = require('@architect/functions')
let auth = require('@architect/shared/auth')
let read = require('@architect/shared/read')
let data = require('@begin/data')

async function write(req) {
let table = `todos-${}`
let {key, complete} = req.body
let copy = await data.get({table, key})
copy.complete = complete
await data.set(copy)

exports.handler = arc.http.async(auth, write, read)
  1. Delete a todo
let arc = require('@architect/functions')
let auth = require('@architect/shared/auth')
let read = require('@architect/shared/read')
let data = require('@begin/data')

async function destroy(req) {
let table = `todos-${}`
let key = req.params.key
await data.destroy({table, key})

exports.handler = arc.http.async(auth, destroy, read)

And because all network requests return the same payload, rendering on the client can be one pure function.