
The open standard for authorization on the web is OAuth and it is implemented via HTTP. In this guide we will implement OAuth for GitHub with a Static Website using Lambda and API Gateway. We will continue to work on the app from the previous section on environment variables

View the completed app here →

1. Add the following dependencies to your HTTP functions.

By now, you should have a local copy of the source code. Each function has its own package.json to keep them isolated and performant.

cd src/http/get-login
npm init -f
npm i @architect/functions tiny-json-http

cd ../get-auth
npm init -f
npm i @architect/functions

cd ../post-logout
npm init -f
npm i @architect/functions

2. Modify src/http/get-auth/index.js

This get-auth function is used to retrieve a login link for authentication. It will also return account data if it is available on the session.

  • First we attempt to read the account from the session.

  • Then we construct a GitHub login URL with the secret client ID and redirect URL from the GitHub OAuth app we set up previously

  • Finally we return the login URL and account data if available.

const arc = require('@architect/functions')

async function auth(req) {
let account = req.session &&
let clientID = process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
let redirectURL = process.env.GITHUB_REDIRECT
let href = `https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=${clientID}&redirect_url=${redirectURL}`
let payload = {

return {
body: JSON.stringify(payload)

exports.handler = arc.http.async(auth)

3. Modify src/http/get-login/index.js

This get-login function is where our GitHub app redirects to after successfully authenticating.

If we have successfully authenticated we can then use the returned code to retrieve the account data from GitHub's API.

  • We check for req.query.code

  • Then use the code to retrieve the user account from the GitHub API

  • Finally we return the account if present.

const arc = require('@architect/functions')
const github = require('./github')

async function login(req) {
let account
if (req.query.code) {
try {
account = await github(req)
} catch (err) {
return {
statusCode: err.code,
body: err.message
return {
session: {account},
location: '/'
} else {
return {
location: '/'

exports.handler = arc.http.async(login)

4. Create src/http/get-login/github.js

This github.js is used to retrieve the account data from GitHub.

  • First we POST to the GitHub OAuth service with the authentication code to retrieve an access token

  • Then we retrieve the account data with the access token set as an Authorization Header.

  • Finally we return the account data or any error we receive.

const tiny = require('tiny-json-http')

module.exports = async function github(req) {
try {
let result = await tiny.post({
url: 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token',
headers: {Accept: 'application/json'},
data: {
code: req.query.code,
client_id: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirect_url: process.env.GITHUB_REDIRECT
let token = result.body.access_token
let user = await tiny.get({
url: `https://api.github.com/user`,
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${token}`,
Accept: 'application/json'
return {
name: user.body.name,
login: user.body.login,
id: user.body.id,
url: user.body.url,
avatar: user.body.avatar_url
} catch (err) {
return {
error: err.message

5. Modify src/http/post-logout/index.js

This post-logout function is used to logout the user by clearing the session.

  • We clear the session by returning an empty object as the value for session

  • Then we redirect back to the index page

let arc = require('@architect/functions')

async function logout(req) {
return {
session: {},
location: '/'

exports.handler = arc.http.async(logout)

6. Preview by starting the dev server

npm start

7. Deploy your changes with Begin.com by committing your code to the main branch on GitHub. Check out your shiny new OAuth app!